Made in USA


Types of Nurseries

Nurseries are portions of land used to sow seedlings and propagate plants for transplanting to commercial crops.

There are many different types of nurseries used for agriculture and they typically grow plants in containers or utilize open fields.

Our high-clearance nursery sprayers are capable of navigating both areas and carefully applying whatever solution you may need to help your crops grow and flourish. 

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LEE Predator spraying flower nursery

Hoop Houses
and High Tunnels

High Tunnels and hoop houses are structures in which the temperature is naturally regulated by opening doors and windows so crops can be cultivated and grown year-round. 

Odoo • Text and Image LEE Predator in high tunnel

LEE Spider in hoop house


Greenhouses are structures in which the temperature is artificially regulated so crops can be cultivated and grown year-round. 

Our machines are fitted with hydraulics so they're easily able to navigate these greenhouses.

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Our newest high-clearance nursery sprayer

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